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Sunshine Skate Foundation is dedicated to empowering low income and minority youth in
Los Angeles County and surrounding areas. 


Our vision is a world where all young people have the mental health and emotional resources to thrive and reach their full potential.


Through our innovative educational programming and roller-skating activities, we foster personal resilience, growth mindset, and improved self-awareness in these underserved populations, providing our youth with the tools they need to become the best versions of themselves.


"Empowering youth with mental health and emotional resources to foster personal resilience, self-awareness, and a growth mindset through fun, engaging roller-skating programs."


Valentine Love Heart

Personal Resilience

The ability to positively bounce back from challenges and setbacks.

Developing coping mechanisms and strategies to overcome adversity.

Influencing life’s outcome through persistent positive


Individual Personality


Developing emotional intelligence and awareness of implementation.

Using habit-stacking and behavior-modification tools to experience personal growth. 

Education of intrapersonal skills to enhance personality strengths and improve areas of deficiencies. 

Head Icon

Growth Mindset

Believing that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work.

Embracing challenges as opportunities for learning and growth.

Creating positive self-talk and mental fortitude to achieve success. 


Sunshine Skate Foundation is a California 501(c)(3) out of Long Beach, CA offering a mobile pop-up roller-skating indoor or outdoor rentals for school functions, community events, and local fundraisers.


As a fully mobile service, we are able to partner with schools and community partners to bring the joy of rollerskating directly to the youth of Los Angeles County.


Through sponsored or subsidized donations, we can provide free and low cost rollerskating events for youth and get kids of all ages excited to be more active.


Afterschool and Holiday Camp Programming

  • Offer Year-Around After School Life Skills and Skate Camps

  • Partner with local School Districts to provide roller skating as an extracurricular activity for kids enrolled in their after school programs 

  • Collaborate with local businesses to sponsor after school skate sessions for low-income students and non-profit organizations

Fundraising and Donation Drives

  • Host Skate-A-Thons to raise money for charities and non-profits

  • Host Back-to-school Drives to provide kids with school supplies

  • Host Food Drives to provide foster youth, group home youth, homeless, and women’s shelters with food during Thanksgiving

  • Host a Toy Drives to provide foster youth, group home youth, and children at local hospitals with toys during Christmas

  • Host Water Drives to provide the homeless with clean drinking water

  • Host Clothing Drives to provide families with clothing and shoes

Community Partner

  • Provide Academic Scholarships for high school students who provide exemplary community service within their community

  • Host sensory-free skate sessions for special needs kids and adults

  • Partner with other non-profits to complete community service projects


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